MINDSHADOW - SOLUTION Introduction There are a few things that make mindshadow special. One is the large inventory. You can hold most of the things you come in contact with and worry about how much you can carry. unfortunately,this is never really needed since most items are only used once. Second, there are some unique commands in this game. The and statement is one of the new type of words that is now understood by the computer. This makes commands like "open book and read it" possible. lastly,there is the deeper concept of you being a puppet. Not only do you get and manipulate objects,but you now must also tell your puppet to "think". You must literally tell your puppet to "think bob" or "think man". therefore, while trying to overcome your amnesia you must figure out where you are and what has happened. Mindshadow Solve 01. Get shell 02. Go to hut. Once inside get straw 03. From hut east to ship. Look ship and get steel. 04. Continue east to jungle and get vine 05. Go back to beach, then east to rocks. Drop all 06. Tie vine to rock. 07. Climb vine and enter cave 08. Look cave and get rock 09. Dig and get map (this map is to be used to get through the quicksand maze) 10. Go back to hut then north to sign. From sign n, n, e, n, e, e, s, s, e 11. Look around and get rum 12. Follow directions backwards and go back to beach. Then bang rock on steel (this makes a spark which lights the straw on fire) 13. When pirate arrives give rum 14. Once on ship go n,w,s to group of pirates.then kick man 15. After the men all back off go south into kitchen and get cleaver 16. Move to anchor that's chained up, cut chain with cleaver (this stops the ship so you can get off) 17. Return to where you were first let on and go plank (it may take a few moves for the royal navy to catch up with you so waste some time until it is there.also, don't walk by captain after cutting chain or he will kill you for letting the navy catch him) 18. Once ship appears. Go ship 19. After being deposited on the docs keep going east to alley then south 20. Search man and get all 21. From here return to the street before the alley and go north. 22. East to cafe and give hat 23. Once seated and got drink, look drink, then follow man 24. Talk to man (remember the name of the ship tycoon).think tycoon 25. On your way out of cafe get hat (your hat has now changed.) 26. Look hat and think bob 27. Once out of cafe go s, w, n.bribe man 28. Then s, s, buy pole 29. Return to docs and use pole 30. Get newspaper 31. Read paper and think arcman 32. From here go e, e, n, n 33. Say chandralt and buy ticket 34. From here w, s, s, w, n, n, go plane 35. Once out of plane n, e to bar, then booth 11 36. Search man, get all 37. Read message and look id 38. Think jared.think bob masters 39. Exit bar and continue north to hotel,east to get in,get room number 40. Climb stairs and go into your room 41. Once inside, duck, get parchment 42. Look parchment (it shows you where something is buried,by the two trees) 43. From outside hotel go e, e, s, s,e 44. Dig and get paper, read it 45. Once back on street enter bank,say an11649 (the account on the paper) 46. Once you have the box open it. 47. Get gun 48. Go back to hotel and up stairs to jared's room. (for fun try the other rooms) 49. Once in jared's room shoot man. 50. Get note and think william 51. Start to remember all types of things think arcman, think jared, think tycoon,think bob masters,think william there you go you now have your memory back,and the story is revealed.